To secure your booking please pay a £40 + VAT deposit, this will be deducted from the final amount on the day & cover for any cancellation charges Step 1 of 3 33% How much Waste do you have?0.5 Cubic Yards £30.001 Cubic Yards (Equiv of Half a Small Skip) £50.002 Cubic Yards (Equiv of a Small Skip) £85.004 Cubic Yards (Equiv of a Medium Skip) £120.006 Cubic Yards (Equiv of a Medium & Small Skip) £160.008 Cubic Yards (Equiv of a Large Skip) £195.0010 Cubic Yards (Equiv of a Large & Small Skip) £240.0012 Cubic Yards (Equiv of a Large & Medium Skip) £290.0014 Cubic Yards (Equiv of a Large & Medium Skip) £325.0016 Cubic Yards (Equiv of 2 Large Skips) £360.0018 Cubic Yards (Equiv of 2 Large & 1 Small Skip) £400.0022 Cubic Yards (Equiv of 2 Large, 1 Medium & 1 Small Skip) £495.00*That’s a maximum of 0 Mins loading time To make things easier you can leave items outside, if you require for us to come in we can do but we are NOT responsible for any damages.Any Additional Items Fridges/Freezer/Mattress*NoYesSingle Mattress £30 + VAT Quantity Price: £ 30.00 Quantity Double/King-Size Mattress £40 + VAT Quantity Price: £ 40.00 Quantity Wet/Heavy/Solid Mattress £60 + VAT Quantity Price: £ 60.00 Quantity Standard Domestic Fridge/Freezer £45 + VAT Quantity Price: £ 45.00 Quantity Undercounter Fridge/Freezer £40 + VAT Quantity Price: £ 40.00 Quantity Commercial Fridge £299 + VAT Quantity Price: £ 299.00 Quantity American Fridge Freezer £90 + VAT Quantity Price: £ 90.00 Quantity Additional Loading Time 30 mins extra loading time £30 + VAT 60 mins extra loading time £60 + VAT Amount PaidTotal (VAT Included) Price: £ 0.00 Name* Full Name Your phone number*Your email* Collection Address Street Address Town/city Name First Last Company NamePrivacy Policy & T&C's* Accept to agree our Privacy Policy and Terms & Conditions* By ticking this box I agree to pay any additional charges due to higher volume/weight of waste & loading times Credit Card* (1 builders bag) = 1 Cubic Yard Deposit Total To Pay: £ 40.00+VAT